H.M.Queen Sonja’s ArtStable/ Dronning Sonja KunstStall

Exciting news! I am thrilled to announce that my graphic work «Insight» has been included in Her Majesty the Queen’s graphic print collection at the royal castle in Oslo! This year the Queen of Norway will be 80 years old. The Association of Norwegian Printmakers wished to appreciate H.M. Queen Sonja’s considerable effort for Norwegian art and culture throughout Read More …

Artist Residency in the High Arctic of Svalbard

Where should I start? Svalbard is amazing 🙂 As I have mentioned earlier, I got an artist residency at Gallery Svalbard. In one of the world’s largest areas of untouched nature, 78 degrees north. Longyearbyen is situated app. 1200 km from the geographic north pole. The Weather conditions and natural environment in Svalbard is extreme. In Spitsbergen, Read More …